6 Ways Technology Is Helping The Health And Wellness Industry

A few decades ago, very few people had imagined technology being incorporated into the health care industry besides the usual hospital technology. But thanks to scientists and innovators, the narrative has changed.

Technology in the health industry has enabled society to handle health and wellness better and with more precision than ever before. For instance, in the past, one would have to physically go to the doctor’s office to get their vitals checked. This is not the case anymore. More options are now available, thanks to technology.

The adoption of technology by the health and wellness industry has become a game-changer for the industry. If you want to lose weight, there are fitness trackers, calorie counters, smart scales, online exercise programs, and meal delivery services to help you out. If you’re in Toronto, for example, there are meal plans Toronto available online if you want to get nutritious meals delivered right to your doorstep.

Here are six ways in which technology is helping the health and wellness industry:

Better Diagnosis

Diagnosing a patient is the most critical step in providing proper care and treatment. The evolving technology has made this part easier. Artificial intelligence (AI) can now diagnose you as an individual, rather than relying on common symptoms to diagnose an illness. It looks at your genetic composition, potential hereditary diseases, immune system, and other vitals. With this information, an AI can offer a more precise diagnosis for patients.

Previously, it was difficult to get a patient’s complete medical history due to the amount of paperwork involved. Some records could get lost in the storage, which could result in the possibility of diagnostic errors. However, technology has enabled an online storage system where no physical records are required, apart from using them as backup storage. Once you visit a hospital, all your records—including prior visits to the hospital and medications—are updated in the system under your name. This makes it easier for your doctor or any other doctor with access to your records to learn your medical history, properly diagnose you, and prescribe the right treatment.

Better And Faster Treatments

AI has also sped up the process of developing drugs and treatments for various diseases. AI, once loaded with the relevant data, can conduct extensive analysis and research. Previously, this process would take months, if not years.

Robots are now also being used to perform invasive and complex surgeries in hospitals. This ensures that you, as the patient, get the best care and treatment possible.

3D printing is making massive progress in the industry as well. It’s being used to make artificial limbs such as prosthetics for patients, among other things. This makes them readily available in the market, ensuring faster treatments as demand grows. You don’t have to wait for ages to get one.

Well-Trained Health Practitioners

Virtual reality and augmented reality are being used in medical schools to practice surgical procedures. The technology gives students a better understanding of the human body so that by the time they get their license, they have experience in performing certain procedures. In hospitals, surgeons use them to practice for complex surgeries before the actual surgery.

Better Management Of Patients’ Symptoms

Virtual reality is being used in hospitals to help alleviate patients’ symptoms such as pain and anxiety. Patients are given a pair of headsets, which are connected to media that distracts them from the pain they’re feeling in their bodies. These headsets are also helpful for patients who are anxious right before going into surgery.

Remote Control And Management Of Patients’ illnesses

Patient management has been enhanced by the use of mobile apps and trackers. With a mobile app, you’re able to make doctor appointments virtually without physically going to a hospital. With trackers, your doctor can read your vitals from the comfort of his office and inform you of any concerns without requiring you to be physically present. This allows the health practitioners to see more patients in a day. Patients also don’t have to deal with long hospital queues.

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